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Tag: "reflections"

Reflections on a 200-day Revival

Reflections on a 200-day Revival

In 2024, we were blessed to minister in a 200-day revival with 205 consecutive services held across six European countries and two territories. We ministered as a family at all these meetings accompanied by our two small children. To say that there is a lot to be grateful for in such a life-changing experience is […]

Reflections on the 2023 Asbury Revival and its Implications for Pentecostal Christians

Reflections on the 2023 Asbury Revival and its Implications for Pentecostal Christians

Here we are post-pandemic, surprised and encouraged by a move of God in the campus of Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. The revival (or renewal as some call it) started on February 8, 2023, during the school’s chapel service and went on for fifteen days. Basically, it was fifteen days of 24-hour prayer and worship. […]

In Times Like These: Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic

In Times Like These: Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic

In Times Like These: Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic Greetings with Jesus’ joy! With the arrival of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the world stage, more than 130 countries have been caught in a public health crisis of yet unknown devastation. Today, in the United States, along with other countries, “ordinary” life as we have known it, […]

Reflections on a Term at the Gregorian University

Reflections on a Term at the Gregorian University

A Pentecostal in Rome: Fuller Seminary Professor Mel Robeck shares his story about teaching a course at the Gregorian University in early 2018. Over the past thirty-one years, I have flown 127 round trips between Los Angeles and Europe. Eighteen of those trips have been to Rome, nearly all of which included work with the […]

Reflections on Engaging our Muslim Neighbors

Reflections on Engaging our Muslim Neighbors

Evangelical leaders from around the world gathered at Calvin Theological Seminary from Thursday, August 24 through Saturday, August 26 to discuss Christian-Muslim relations. This was a private consultation and I invite you to read what participants have written about this. Tony Richie: Consultation on American Evangelicals and Islam Antipas Harris: How Can Christians and Muslims […]

Reflections on God's Missiological Purpose at Babel

Reflections on God’s Missiological Purpose at Babel

“At Pentecost an alternative to the imperial unity of Babel is created … Whereas the tower seeks to make people ‘not see’ and ‘not speak’ and sucks the energies out of the margins in order to stabilize and aggrandize the center, the Spirit pours energies into the margins, opens the eyes of small people to […]

Pentecostals and the World: Reflections on the 2015 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention

Pentecostals and the World: Reflections on the 2015 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention

I thank God who enabled me to participate in the 44th Annual Meeting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies held at Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida, on March 12-14, 2015. This was my fourth consecutively attended SPS meeting, having attended my first in 2012. I find this simply miraculous, given that I live overseas in Southeast […]

Jon Ruthven's Further reflections on Strangers to Fire, a response to John MacArthur

Jon Ruthven’s Further reflections on Strangers to Fire, a response to John MacArthur

  Strangers to Fire represents a phalanx of biblical responses by a variety of authors to the cessationism first developed by the serpent in the Garden: “Did God really say?” That was a challenge to the idea of revelation from God, a notion more fully developed by the cessationist scribes who opposed Jesus. Jesus said […]

Some Reflections of a Participant in Pentecostalism and Science

Some Reflections of a Participant in Pentecostalism and Science

  We may think of God as the leader of a cosmic community.1 But God is not encountered only in spectacular and physically improbable or counter-intuitive historical events; he is also detected in his manifestation of human experience. One of the distinctive features of the NT documents is the description afforded the interaction of the […]

Reflections on Andy Lord: Network Church

Reflections on Andy Lord: Network Church

  I believe highly relevant to some current issues dealing with how the Christian tradition engages or might engage contemporary cultural artefacts (such as film and art) or themes expressed via these artefacts, is Andy Lord’s reflection on how we might more deeply inform Pentecostal assumptions about the church in mission with the Missio Dei […]

Miracles: Keener's Reflections

Miracles: Keener’s Reflections

Reflections on New Directions, by Dave Johnson

Reflections on New Directions, by Dave Johnson

Baguio City, Philippines, November 5, 2013. Two events happened last week that leave me wondering if, at long last, some demonic strongholds over the Philippines are being broken. For the last twenty or twenty five years or so, evangelicals in the Philippines have been giving increased attention to ministry to Muslims. However, I believe that […]

Global Pentecostal Renaissance? Reflections on Pentecostalism, Culture, and Higher Education, by Jeff Hittenberger

Global Pentecostal Renaissance? Reflections on Pentecostalism, Culture, and Higher Education, by Jeff Hittenberger

Introduction Not long ago, I attended Commencement exercises at the University of California’s Hastings College of Law in San Francisco. I was there to see a student named Kofi receive his law degree and to celebrate with his mother, Afi.1 Afi came to the United States from Togo with her husband more than twenty years […]

Terry L. Cross: Answering the Call in the Spirit: Pentecostal Reflections on a Theology of Vocation, Work and Life

Terry L. Cross: Answering the Call in the Spirit: Pentecostal Reflections on a Theology of Vocation, Work and Life

Terry L. Cross, Answering the Call in the Spirit: Pentecostal Reflections on a Theology of Vocation, Work and Life (Cleveland, TN: Lee University Press, 2007), 164 pages, ISBN 9781596843301. The author’s stated purpose is “expanding the definition of calling” (p. 6) as understood in traditional Pentecostal theology and to “show that a theology of calling […]

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