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Tag: "contemporary"

Presenting the Beautiful Gospel: Ten Theses about Contemporary Christian International Mission and Cross-Cultural Evangelization

Presenting the Beautiful Gospel: Ten Theses about Contemporary Christian International Mission and Cross-Cultural Evangelization

In former times, some missionary efforts were aligned with militaristic imperialism. Are the terrible expressions of colonialism being promoted by contemporary missionaries? Professor Celucien Joseph reminds us there is a better way.   For many years, I have been thinking about the interreligious conflict between Christianity and other religions in the world, and the work […]

Contemporary Applications of Humility from Teachings of the New Testament

Contemporary Applications of Humility from Teachings of the New Testament

A review essay of two books on biblical humility by Michelle Vondey.   Two books: both on humility, both using the Bible as a framework, both of interest to those who study humility academically and who take the need for humility seriously in their vocation. Though similar in topic, the books differ in intended audience […]

A Social Anthropologist's Analysis of Contemporary Healing, Part 2

A Social Anthropologist’s Analysis of Contemporary Healing, Part 2

  How do doctors respond to claims of healing? Are there any lasting social effects when people experience divine healing?   Physical and Spiritual Phenomena Since John White is contributing a chapter to this book concerning the physical manifestations which sometimes seem to accompany the working of the Holy Spirit, here I shall confine myself […]

A Social Anthropologist's Analysis of Contemporary Healing, Part 1

A Social Anthropologist’s Analysis of Contemporary Healing, Part 1

  How do doctors respond to claims of healing? Are there any lasting social effects when people experience divine healing?   What kinds of healings are associated with contemporary Christian healing ministries, conferences for training Christians in praying for healing, and such ministry in many evangelical churches? How do medical doctors perceive the healings? How […]

Rediscovering the Triune God: The Trinity in Contemporary Theology

Rediscovering the Triune God: The Trinity in Contemporary Theology

As appearing in The Pneuma Review Winter 2007 Stanley J. Grenz, Rediscovering the Triune God: The Trinity in Contemporary Theology (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2004), 289 pages. This book should be in every theological library. Stanley Grenz (1950-2005) offers a splendid account of the story of trinitarian thought in the twentieth century. The lucidly written volume […]

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