Coming in the Spring 2004 (7:2) Issue
The Spring 2004 issue continues the study of Biblical interpretation with Professor Craig Keener. “Whole-Book Context,” Part 2 is a lesson about connecting the immediate context with the overall context of the book the passage is part of.
Messianic teacher Kevin M. Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with the thirteenth chapter in a mini-series on the Gospel of Matthew. Kevin will be looking at the Hebraisms and Jewish background often missed to reveal beautiful prophetic pictures fulfilled at the coming of Messiah. Be sure to read every installment of this unique commentary on the Gospel to the Hebrews.
Chapters from J. Rodman William’s book The Gift of the Holy Spirit Today (Logos, 1980) continue with “Chapter Eight: Effects.” You will be deepened and encouraged by this exposition of the contemporary work of the Holy Spirit.
How Much Does God Control? In the next issue, James Railey (the Arminian view) continues the dialogue about free will and sovereignty by responding to the papers written by both other panelists. More responses from readers will be appearing along with mention of some of the significant books and articles on the subject that have recently been published. Join us for this friendly dialogue and be deepened in your appreciation for brothers and sisters who have reached different conclusions on this important topic.
Join us for an exclusive interview with pastor and author Michael Sullivant. He talks with us about the gift of prophecy in the church today including its role in evangelism and some of the common misunderstandings to be avoided.
Some of the book and periodical reviews you will see:
The Word-Faith Controversy: Understanding the Health and Wealth Gospel. Robert M. Bowman, Jr. Baker (2001). Reviewed by Paul L. King.
Beyond the Impasse: Toward a Pneumatological Theology of Religions. Amos Yong. Baker Academic (2003). Reviewed by Matthew Thompson.
Category: Winter 2004