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Tag: "communion"

Celebration of Grace: What Christ Does for us in Baptism and Communion

Celebration of Grace: What Christ Does for us in Baptism and Communion

One of my earliest Christian memories goes back to the year 1935 when I was five years old and was standing on the edge of Biscayne Bay in Miami, Florida. Our congregation, Little Flock Church, was holding a baptismal service and I was watching my mother and father wade into the water. A dozen others […]

Ministering to the Needs of the World: 2018 International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals

Ministering to the Needs of the World: 2018 International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals

Mel Robeck has shared with Pneuma Review the press release from the International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals, which concluded on December 4, 2018. Representatives of various classical Pentecostal churches and a delegation from the World Communion of Reformed Churches met in Legon, Accra, Ghana, November 29 – December […]

Anglicans from the Global South and the Worldwide Anglican Communion

Anglicans from the Global South and the Worldwide Anglican Communion

A brief review essay from Christian historian William De Arteaga on the tremendous changes taking place in the worldwide Anglican Church. Roger E. Olson, “Something Interesting Is Happening in the Worldwide Anglican Communion (And Why It Matters to Non-Anglicans)” (June 28, 2018). The article by professor Roger Olson if both informative and insightful. As an […]

Thomas Reynolds: Vulnerable Communion

Thomas Reynolds: Vulnerable Communion

  Thomas E. Reynolds, Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2008), 256 pages, ISBN 9781587431777. Difference, normalcy, embodiment, community, and redemption are all topics that relate to disability. Disability studies have greatly increased with the onset of late modernity, and this is a blessing to all those who seek […]

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