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Tag: "bad"

Demonstrations Can Have Good and Bad Fruit

Demonstrations Can Have Good and Bad Fruit

In this article appearing at, historian and theologian the Rev. Dr. William De Arteaga warns that mass demonstrations as the ones now carried on in the name of George Floyd can be double-edged swords. They can help bring needed reforms, as in the civil rights demonstrations of the 1960s, which brought about so much […]

Christians and Muslims: Confronting fourteen centuries of ambition, sorrow, and bad faith

Christians and Muslims: Confronting fourteen centuries of ambition, sorrow, and bad faith

Christian History 74 (Vol XXI No 2). “Christians & Muslims: Confronting fourteen centuries of ambition, sorrow, and bad faith.” Perhaps no other Christian magazine is as poised to offer as complete a picture of the historical conflict between Islam and Christianity as Christian History. In a few brief and readable articles this issue summarizes the […]

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