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Tag: "reclaiming"

Reclaiming the Original American Vision

Reclaiming the Original American Vision

There are some that would say private faith has no place in the public sphere. Historian Eddie L. Hyatt shows this was not what America’s Founders believed, and urges all Americans to recapture their vision that linked faith and freedom together. In a meeting with Delaware Indian chiefs in 1779, George Washington commended them for […]

Roger Olson and Christian Winn: Reclaiming Pietism

Roger Olson and Christian Winn: Reclaiming Pietism

Roger E. Olson and Christian T. Collins Winn, Reclaiming Pietism: Retrieving an Evangelical Tradition (Eerdmans, 2015), 204 pages, ISBN 9780802869098. If my mainline seminary education was typical, very little is taught about Pietism. When I found a dingy copy of Pia Desideria at a used book sale while on vacation a few years after graduation, […]

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