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Tag: "miraculous"

The Holy Spirit’s Miraculous Gifts, by Charles Carrin

The Holy Spirit’s Miraculous Gifts, by Charles Carrin

God wants to unleash the life-changing, bondage-breaking power of the Holy Spirit in your life. Pastor Chas Carrin points out what the Apostle Paul had to say about this and encourages every Jesus follower to pursue spiritual gifts. The Apostle Paul encountered Jesus on the Damascus Road and was born again; three days later in […]

Your Faith: Its Miraculous Origin, Work, And Destination

Your Faith: Its Miraculous Origin, Work, And Destination

A guest article from Christian ministry veteran, Charles Carrin.   Trust is not something that comes on its own. Where does it come from, how does it work, what does trust in God accomplish?   O for a faith that will not shrink, Tho’ pressed by every foe; That will not tremble on the brink […]

The Bible’s Undertaker: Cessationism in Contrast to a Living, Miraculous Christianity

The Bible’s Undertaker: Cessationism in Contrast to a Living, Miraculous Christianity

Introduction Twentieth century Pentecostalism reawakened the world to miracles. The growth of this movement activated individuals in established religion to wrestle with a major player on the world scene of Christianity. Even so, as Pentecostalism expands, the cessationist view resuscitates a theological position that corresponds with the European intellectual development of the late seventeenth and […]

An Affirmative Pentecostal Theology of the Miraculous

An Affirmative Pentecostal Theology of the Miraculous

  Introduction I am personally fully persuaded that the Pentecostal/Charismatic movements have been raised up by God in manifestation of the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit through the Lord Jesus Christ. However, I have noticed two reflex reactions that often occur when the subject of miracles is raised. Either a defensive stance or a […]

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries

  In this five part series, Richard M. Riss presents evidence for the operation of the gifts of the Spirit throughout the Church Age. Part 1 (Fall 1998): From the Early Church to the 3rd Century Part 2 (Winter 1999): 3rd to the 5th Centuries Part 3 (Spring 1999): From the 5th to the 13th […]

Jerry Tousdale, Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus

Jerry Tousdale, Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus

Jerry Tousdale, Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2012), 208 pages, ISBN 9781418547288. Jerry Tousdale is the Director of International Ministries for CityTeam International. He has also served as a church planter in the Muslim world. This volume is sure to be a source […]

Proclaiming the Gospel with Miraculous Gifts in the Postbiblical Early Church

Proclaiming the Gospel with Miraculous Gifts in the Postbiblical Early Church

  Many stories in Christian history are filled with accounts of charismatic gifts, miracles, signs and wonders.   The emergence of the Pentecostal, the neoPentecostal or charismatic, and third wave movements in our century has raised a variety of vital questions that demand answers. Among these is the issue of whether the spiritual gifts enumerated […]

The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for Miraculous Power Denote and Their Relationship to the Gospel, Part 2, by Gary S. Greig

The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for Miraculous Power Denote and Their Relationship to the Gospel, Part 2, by Gary S. Greig

  How the New Testament describes the supernatural can tell us a great deal about how we should see the miraculous.   Continued from Part 1 appearing in the Winter 2007 issue   III. Signs, Wonders, and Miracles Are Intended to Encourage Belief and Deepen Faith in Christ It is true that “signs do not […]

The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for Miraculous Power Denote and Their Relationship to the Gospel, Part 1, by Gary S. Greig

The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for Miraculous Power Denote and Their Relationship to the Gospel, Part 1, by Gary S. Greig

  How the New Testament describes the supernatural can tell us a great deal about how we should see the miraculous.   The year is 1906. A young sixteen year old girl named Henrietta Mears, living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has just had a painful accident. She somehow “jabbed a hat pin into the pupil of […]

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 5: The 18th and 19th Centuries

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 5: The 18th and 19th Centuries

  Richard M. Riss presents evidence for the operation of the gifts of the Spirit throughout the Church Age.   The Moravians The gift of tongues is sometimes associated with the Moravian Brethren, a remnant of the Bohemian brethren (followers of John Huss) who became newly organized after finding refuge on the estate of Count […]

Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views

Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views

  Wayne Grudem, ed., Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996), 368 pages, ISBN 9780310201557. Are the supernatural gifts for today? In this book, four different authors from four different viewpoints have sought to answer that question. Could it be better? The four views represented are Pentecostal/charismatic, Third Wave, […]

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 4: From the 13th to the 18th Centuries

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 4: From the 13th to the 18th Centuries

  Richard M. Riss presents evidence for the operation of the gifts of the Spirit throughout the Church Age.   Clare of Montefalco Among several thirteenth-century figures we have discussed, St. Clare of Montefalco (d. 1308) has had a number of miracles attributed to her, as well as frequent ecstasies and supernatural gifts, which she […]

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 3: From the 5th to the 13th Centuries

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 3: From the 5th to the 13th Centuries

  Richard M. Riss presents evidence for the operation of the gifts of the Spirit throughout the Church Age.   The North African Revival We have seen that Augustine had adopted the view that miracles had ceased with the close of the apostolic age. In the last two or three years of his life, however, […]

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 2: 3rd to the 5th Centuries

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 2: 3rd to the 5th Centuries

  Richard M. Riss presents evidence for the operation of the gifts of the Spirit throughout the Church Age.   Origen In any case, Origen, Clement’s successor as head of the catechetical school in Alexandria, makes explicit references to miraculous gifts in operation in his day, at the beginning of the third century. He wrote, […]

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