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Wayne Cordeiro: Leading on Empty

Wayne teaches us to list six items that comprise that five percent, and notes your choices will shape your soul before God. If you or I could do life or a portion over again, what would we do differently? And then, what will we do so that the next 10 years brings us a sense of fulfillment and not emptiness?

Toward the middle of the book, Wayne writes that “Faith is living in advance what we will only understand in reverse”. I stopped to think about this sentence – the highlight of the book to me.

I found myself thinking about my calling. What did God call me to in the beginning? How about you? Have you answered that call? Will you and how should you? How do you? What can I, might I, and should I do at my point in life?

Wayne concludes by presenting four courses we face in life and the challenge to choose the best one: “A Life of Reaction;” “A Life of Conformity;” “A Life of Independence” and “A Life of Intentionality.” He stresses that there are some things on which we should never give up.

He ends with recommending that we plan sabbaticals and Sabbaths as part of our lives. If we really trust God as our provision, we can spend some time with Him, to learn to take the time to do things that we love the most, to sleep when we should sleep, to stop trying to correct those things which are not our concern, and to trust Him.

I am the old man on Wayne’s staff, and I love him because I learn so much from him. I learn all the time. I miss him when he is off somewhere and not in my pulpit. His book is a gem, a resource that – if lived out – will add to your joy, your value and longevity. Taste and see.

Reviewed by H. Murray Hohns

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Category: Ministry, Summer 2009

About the Author: H. Murray Hohns went home to be with Jesus on November 28, 2012. He was on staff at the largest church in Hawaii and served on his denomination's investment committee from 1999 until his death. Hohns held two degrees in Civil Engineering, an MA in Theology from Fuller Seminary, and served as an instructor at Foursquare's New Hope Christian College (formerly Pacific Rim Christian College) in Honolulu. He wrote six engineering books and hundreds of articles in every type of newspaper, magazine and journal.

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