Todd Rutkowski: Coming to Life
Todd Michael Rutkowski, Coming to Life: The Journey to Identity, Passion and Purpose (Sisters, OR: VMI Publishers, 2004), 172 pages.
Rutkowski subtitled his book “The Journey to Identity, Passion and Purpose.” It has eight chapters that are largely filled with pleasant anecdotal materials. We learn that Todd, a Canadian, was quite a hockey player in his younger days and had to choose service to the King of Kings over a possibly very rewarding career in professional hockey.
We learn, too, of Todd’s father’s struggles, and how Todd dealt with what he wished was different. Todd reviews many things he has learned and experienced in his years with YWAM and with the Vineyard Association of Churches. I found it well written and encouraging.
Reviewed by H. Murray Hohns
Editor’s note: This brief review was originally published in 2006 on the Pneuma Foundation website, the parent organization of
Category: Living the Faith