Thinking Precedes Thanking
Some years back, someone correctly observed and told me that the thinking process precedes the thanking process. I never forgot that phrase.
We cannot be thankful for something until we have thought about it. You cannot thank the Lord without thinking about what Christ did for you in His death, burial, and resurrection. God redeemed and reconciled you for the purpose that we too would reconcile and forgive, as well. That’s something to be thankful for!
When we are thankful, this action keeps our priorities straight. This thinking helps us trust in the Lord and allow Him to be God in our lives. The Bible says in Psalm 22:3 that God “inhabits the praises of the people.” Our thanksgiving to God cultivates an atmosphere which moves us forward in life.
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in America. Let us spend time thinking about who God is and how good God has been to us. Then let us thank God for what He has accomplished in 2024 and will do in 2025!
Pastor Cletus
Category: Fall 2024, Living the Faith