The Full Picture of Passover
Of course, the resurrection took place on the Feast of Firstfruits to fulfill Leviticus 23:11, but … that is another story!
All Scripture references are from the New American Standard Bible unless noted otherwise.
1 Romans 11:17-24 refers to Gentile (Hebrew, goyim, literally, nations) believers as being grafted into the root, the root of Israel—or if you like—Biblical Judaism. The calling or goal of Biblical Judaism has always been to prepare and welcome the coming of the Messiah and thereby the restoration of the created to the Creator. Certainly Gentile Christians are not natural Israel, they are not the natural branches, but they are grafted in, and therefore, free and able to draw on all the nourishment the rich root can provide.
2 p. 126.
3 Isaiah 53:7; John 1:36; Acts 8:32; 1 Peter 1:19; Revelation 5:6, 8, 12 ff.; 6:1.
4 Nehemiah 3:1, 31; 12:39.
5 In Alfred Edersheim’s The Temple (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing), he notes that just outside Bethlehem was a priestly community called Migdal Eder, a community of Levitical shepherds in charge of raising these lambs. He poses the concept that these may have been the shepherds to whom the angelic host appeared proclaiming the birth of The Lamb, Jesus the Messiah.
6 You could attempt bringing in a sheep or a goat that you had raised yourself, but this was not commonly done nor approved of.
7 Dr. John Fisher, Messianic Services for the Festivals and Holy Days, (Palm Harbor, FL: Menorah Ministries, 1992), p. 211. See also John 1:21, 36.
8 As was Jesus inspected (Matthew 27:11-27)
9 Isaiah 53:7
10 Psalm 118:27-29 here, though the entire Psalm would have been sung. Likewise Psalms 113-117.
11 John 19:16-18
12 Exodus 12:46, John 19:33
13 “Common Era,” what is commonly referred to as A.D. (abbreviated from the Latin, Anno Domini, translated, in the year of our Lord).
14 Passover: Its Observance, Laws and Significance (Brooklyn, NY: Mesorah Publications, Ltd., 1994), p. 77, parenthesis mine.
15 Moshe ben Nachman (1194-1270) chief among them.
16 Passover: Its Observance, op. cit., p. 77.
17 John 6:35
18 Isaiah 53:5
19 Isaiah 53:5
20 Zechariah 12:10
21 Moishe Rosen, Christ in the Passover (San Francisco, CA: Jews for Jesus).
Category: Biblical Studies, Summer 1999