Ten Things I’ve Learned About Raising Up Worship Leaders
The Worship Time
Observe the person leading. Give specific feedback about skills. Sometimes I only address one issue because I don’t’ want to weigh down a new leader with negative input.
Personal Meetings
You’ll see more output from your worship leaders if you care for them personally. I take people with me whenever I go on ministry trips.
Nobody I’ve trained has learned everything they know from me. For those who have a hard time attending training events, there are books, videos and tapes.
I take courses and seek out new material that will inform and inspire me. Unless I have fresh input, I get stale. Most importantly, make time to pray and worship by yourself. Go directly to the well of living water, and let him speak to you. This puts gas in your tank and gives you the right perspective on all your responsibilities.
Excerpted from Worship Update, 3rd Quarter 1997. Copyright 1997 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing. Used by permission.
Category: Ministry, Winter 2001