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Tag: "paul"

N. T. Wright: Paul and His Recent Interpreters and The Paul Debate, reviewed by Amos Yong

N. T. Wright: Paul and His Recent Interpreters and The Paul Debate, reviewed by Amos Yong

N. T. Wright, Paul and His Recent Interpreters: Some Contemporary Debates (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015), xxiii + 379 pages. N. T. Wright, The Paul Debate: Critical Questions for Understanding the Apostle (Waco, Tex.: Baylor University Press, 2015), xi + 110 pages. I must confess that I am writing this double-review with both volumes of N. […]

Rediscovering Paul, reviewed by Bradford McCall

Rediscovering Paul, reviewed by Bradford McCall

David B. Capes, Rodney Reeves, and E. Randolph Richards, Rediscovering Paul: An Introduction to His World, Letters and Theology (Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2007), 350 pages, ISBN 9780830839414. The life and letters of Paul are often an enigma to modern Christians; why did he say that – and moreover, why did he say it […]

Delio DelRio: Paul and the Synagogue

Delio DelRio: Paul and the Synagogue

Delio DelRio, Paul and the Synagogue: Romans and the Isaiah Targum (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2013), 156 pages. This book explores how insights from the field of Targumic studies can help us understand some of Paul’s exegetical moves in Romans. It takes the form of an analysis of Paul’s use of Isaiah. DelRio was […]

N.T. Wright's Newest Release: The Paul Debate

N.T. Wright’s Newest Release: The Paul Debate

N. T. Wright, The Paul Debate: Critical Questions for Understanding the Apostle (Baylor University Press, 2015), 122 pages, ISBN 9781481304177. Theologians and pastors alike have come to expect that, as each calendar year turns, Dr. Tom (N.T. Wright) will publish some new work. Such has happened just this week with the release of his most recent book now […]

Paul Pomerville: The New Testament Case Against Christian Zionism

Paul Pomerville: The New Testament Case Against Christian Zionism

Paul A. Pomerville, The New Testament Case Against Christian Zionism: A Christian View of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Seattle: CreateSpace, 2014), 484 pages. Paul Pomerville has produced an uncompromising argument against Christian Zionism. Drawing upon his extensive experience in police work, he detects a gap in the collection of evidence in the literature on Christian Zionism. […]

Craig Keener: Paul and Spiritual Warfare

Craig Keener: Paul and Spiritual Warfare

Craig S. Keener, “Paul and Spiritual Warfare” in Paul’s Missionary Methods: In His Time and Ours (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012), pages 107-123. Spiritual warfare is a topic that has attracted a good deal of attention in recent years; this is perhaps especially true within the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. Whole books have been […]

John Paul Jackson passes away

John Paul Jackson passes away

John Paul Jackson, a well-known prophetic figure and author of several books including Needless Casualties of War and Breaking Free From Rejection passed away on Wednesday, February 18, 2015. The Pneuma Review would like to extend our condolences to his family. Pneuma Review interviewed John Paul Jackson for the Fall 2007 issue: Prophetic Ministry: an […]

Paul L. King: Hermeneutics in Modern and Classic Faith Movements

Paul L. King: Hermeneutics in Modern and Classic Faith Movements

If we want to live our lives according to the Bible, how we approach Scripture means everything. What differences in interpretation can we see between the contemporary Word of Faith movement and the classic Faith movement? This chapter is from Paul L. King’s book Only Believe: Examining the Origins and Development of Classic and Contemporary […]

Michael Bird: Introducing Paul

Michael Bird: Introducing Paul

  Michael F. Bird, Introducing Paul: The Man, His Mission and His Message (Dowers Grove: IVP Academic, 2008), 192 pages, ISBN 9780830828975. Periodically, Biblical scholars emerge on the Christian scene who can communicate profound truths to the busy pastor in a way that he can understand. One of a new generation of such is the […]

An Interview with Paul: What might the Apostle say about the church today?

An Interview with Paul: What might the Apostle say about the church today?

  How should we lead the church? New Testament scholar Andrew D. Clarke imagines what it would be like to interview the Apostle Paul about church leadership today.     The opportunity to interview the Apostle Paul about his perceptions of church in the early twenty-first century was an opportunity not to be missed.   […]

Paul King: Only Believe

Paul King: Only Believe

Paul King, Only Believe: Examining the Origin and Development of Classic and Contemporary Word of Faith Theologies (Word & Spirit Press, 2009), 408 pages, ISBN 9780981952604. Paul King is a scholar at Oral Roberts University and an ordained minister of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. In this volume of some 400 pages, beautifully published […]

David Brondos: Paul on the Cross

David Brondos: Paul on the Cross

  David A. Brondos, Paul on the Cross: Reconstructing the Apostle’s Story of Redemption (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2006), 241 pages, ISBN 9780800637880. It is always healthy to question what we think we know about the Bible, for the simple reason that it is all too easy to smuggle traditional readings into a text that often should […]

Paul Elbert: Pastoral Letter to Theo

Paul Elbert: Pastoral Letter to Theo

  Paul Elbert, Pastoral Letter to Theo: An Introduction to Interpretation and Women’s Ministries (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2008), xxiv + 97 pages, ISBN 9781556355462. Is it possible that basic hermeneutical principles are violated in an effort to be politically correct in modern society? Some women have felt betrayed or underutilized in the church […]

Youngmo Cho: Spirit and Kingdom in the Writings of Luke and Paul

Youngmo Cho: Spirit and Kingdom in the Writings of Luke and Paul

  Youngmo Cho, Spirit and Kingdom in the Writings of Luke and Paul: An Attempt to Reconcile these Concepts (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2005), 254 pages, ISBN 9781842273166. Youngmo Cho (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is currently an assistant professor of New Testament studies at Asia LIFE University, in South Korea. He has formerly been a pastor […]

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