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Tag: "invitation"

Invitation: Stories about transformation

Invitation: Stories about transformation

The Urban Renewal Center launched a new podcast. The show is called, “Narrativity with Dr. Antipas.” “Narrativity” features stories that are both riveting and inspiring. Salient questions of our guests are the following: What happened to you? What changed? How did it change? In what ways have your life changed for the better? What did […]

Invitation to read The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party

Invitation to read The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party

My recent article, “The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party: Is it time to form a Christian Center party?” (April 6, 2016) will not appear at for the very good reason that it is predominantly political. But the editor of The Pneuma Review has been gracious in inviting me to post this […]

Invitation to attend American Leprosy Missions retreat

Invitation to attend American Leprosy Missions retreat

Dan and Babs Izzett extend their invitation to attend the American Leprosy Missions’ 2016 Presidential Retreat. Read the interview about Dan’s journey with leprosy here: “That the life of Jesus may be manifested: An interview with Dan Izzett“   We are returning to the USA in April to be at the ALM Presidential Retreat & […]

Donald Sunukjian: Invitation To Biblical Preaching

Donald Sunukjian: Invitation To Biblical Preaching

  Donald R. Sunukjian, Invitation To Biblical Preaching: Proclaiming Truth with Clarity and Relevance (Grand Rapids: Kregel Academic & Professional, 2007), 375 pages, ISBN 9780825436666. This book is about the application of the Biblical text—moving from the Biblical text to where people live today, “the take home truth.” This book is very good on pulpit […]

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    Invitation: Stories about transformation

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