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Tag: "generation"

Mona Tokarek LaFosse: Honouring Age

Mona Tokarek LaFosse: Honouring Age

Mona Tokarek LaFosse, Honouring Age: The Social Dynamics of Age Structure in 1 Timothy (Montreal & Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023), 402 pages, ISBN ‎ 9780228019350. Every dissertation has to find some unique way to answer a pressing question to count as adding something substantial to its academic domain. Sometimes these methodologies can feel strained […]

Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada

Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada

Martin W. Mittelstadt and Caleb Howard Courtney, Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada (1907-1925) (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, c2021), xii + 507 pages. The authors of a Canadian Pentecostal Reader are to be commended for such an exemplary, seminal, and significant reference research resource. The heart and core of this […]

Kevin Giles: The Eternal Generation of the Son

Kevin Giles: The Eternal Generation of the Son

  Kevin Giles, The Eternal Generation of the Son: Maintaining Orthodoxy in Trinitarian Theology (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2012), 270 pages including indices, ISBN 9780830839650. What this reviewer sees in Kevin Giles’ The Eternal Generation of the Son is a carefully reasoned presentation of what is inherent, or implied within John 1:1 and also […]

James Goff and Grant Wacker: Portraits of a Generation: Early Pentecostal Leaders

James Goff and Grant Wacker: Portraits of a Generation: Early Pentecostal Leaders

  James R. Goff Jr. and Grant Wacker, eds., Portraits of a Generation: Early Pentecostal Leaders (Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press, 2002), 430 pages. The introduction to this book tells us that no real compelling interest existed in the 20 people whose lives are described therein for the first 50 years of the 20th […]

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