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Tag: "exorcism"

William De Arteaga: Battling the Demonic

William De Arteaga: Battling the Demonic

William De Arteaga, Battling the Demonic: The Kingdom of God vs. the Kingdom of Darkness (2023), 174 pages, ISBN ‎ 9798857919569. In Battling the Demonic, prolific writer and chronicler of the moves of the Holy Spirit in the Western world, the Rev’d William L. De Arteaga PhD, has collected a series of essays on a […]

The Church’s Wounded Tradition of Exorcism and Deliverance

The Church’s Wounded Tradition of Exorcism and Deliverance

This guest article is a chapter adapted from America in Danger, Left and Right: Biblical Analysis, Actions and Intercessions for the Current Crisis (2022), by William De Arteaga. To introduce his book and this chapter, William De Arteaga writes: America in Danger, Left and Right: Biblical Analysis, Actions and Intercessions for the Current Crisis, gives […]

Mike Mariani: American Exorcism

Mike Mariani: American Exorcism

Mike Mariani, “American Exorcism: Priests are fielding more requests than ever for help with demonic possession, and a centuries-old practice is finding new footing in the modern world,” Atlantic (Dec 2018). This article, “American Exorcism,” by Mike Mariani, which appears in the recent issue of The Atlantic is an important resource for those in the […]

Exorcism in Public Places

Exorcism in Public Places

Charismatic historian and prayer warrior, William De Arteaga, invites readers to visit his blog and be challenged to rethink how casting out demons can have a powerful impact on your community. This posting, “Exorcism in Public Places,” is doubly controversial. Some Christians still doubt the reality of the demonic world and the possibility of Christians being […]

Roger Olson: Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?

Roger Olson: Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?

Roger E. Olson, “Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?” Patheos (June 9, 2016). This is a most interesting article. The author, a noted Evangelical scholar and pastor, was involved in the early charismatic movement where he saw some of the extremes of the early charismatic deliverance movement. For instance, in some meetings, charismatic evangelists/exorcists provided the […]

Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 3, by Wayne A. Grudem

Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 3, by Wayne A. Grudem

15. Why do people speak directly to demons today and command them to leave, rather than just praying and asking God to drive the demon away? Isn’t it safer just to pray to God about this? In a way, this is similar to asking why Christians should share the gospel with another person rather than […]

Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 2, by Wayne A. Grudem

Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Part 2, by Wayne A. Grudem

8. Doesn’t Hebrews 2:3 tell us that miracles were restricted to the apostles, “those who heard him”? In Hebrews 2:3-4, the author says about the message of salvation, It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard him, while God also bore witness23  by signs and […]

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