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Tag: "defending"

Defending Apologetics: a review

Defending Apologetics: a review

Why does God use fallen, broken people to speak for him? A review essay by Timothy T. N. Lim about Os Guinness’ 2015 book, Fool’s Talk, and how followers of Jesus can and should talk about God in the public square. Introduction How can the vocation and the craft of Christian apologists be reclaimed after decades […]

Defending Charismatic Theology to Non-Charismatic Believers

Defending Charismatic Theology to Non-Charismatic Believers

  How to make a humble, biblical case for the charismata and allow the Holy Spirit to do the convincing. In one sense, charismatics have finally achieved a certain level of respectability within the Evangelical movement. Today, we have academic societies and publications1 dedicated to the study of charismatic and Pentecostal issues in which even […]

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