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Tag: "christ"

Serving the Reigning Christ: an interview with Esther V. Shekher

Serving the Reigning Christ: an interview with Esther V. Shekher

Here is a woman from a Hindu background now passionately serving Jesus Christ. has the privilege to introduce you to Evangelist Dr. Esther Shekher and let her tell us about her ministry and her book, All the Commandments of God: Find Out the Secret to Inherit All the Blessings of God (Westbow, 2013).   […]

Craig Keener speaking on The Mind of Christ, Session 3

Craig Keener speaking on The Mind of Christ, Session 3

In this third session of three, Professor Craig S. Keener opens by asking, have you ever wondered what is God’s will? This lecture looks at Romans 12 and the renewing of the mind. These lectures were given as part of the 8th annual Stanley M. Horton Pentecostal Heritage Lectureship Series, held on February 3-5, 2015 […]

Craig Keener speaking on The Mind of Christ, Session 2

Craig Keener speaking on The Mind of Christ, Session 2

In this second session of three, Professor Craig S. Keener lectures based on 5 chapters of his future book on the Mind of the Spirit. This lecture treats the theme of the mind in Romans 1 (the fallen mind), 6:11 (the mind of faith), 7:7-25 (the mind under the law), and 8:5-7 (the mind of […]

Craig Keener speaking on The Mind of Christ, Session 1

Craig Keener speaking on The Mind of Christ, Session 1

In this first session of three, Professor Craig S. Keener speaks on the meaning of the mind of Christ in the context of 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians 3:18, and implications for bringing together sound scholarship and deep spirituality. These lectures were given as part of the 8th annual Stanley M. Horton Pentecostal Heritage Lectureship Series, […]

Michael Bird: Jesus Is the Christ

Michael Bird: Jesus Is the Christ

Michael F. Bird, Jesus Is the Christ: The Messianic Testimony of the Gospels (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2012), 207 pages, ISBN 9780830828234. Michael F. Bird, lecturer in Theology at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia provides the reader a study of how each of the four evangelists present Jesus as the Messiah of early Israel’s expectation. […]

Strange Fire and Churches of Christ

Strange Fire and Churches of Christ

By Guest Panelist Jonathan Storment. “We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito.” -C.S. Lewis Maybe you’ve noticed that over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of talk around charismatic vs. not charismatic protestant Christians. Some people held a […]

A Better Freedom: Finding Life as Slaves of Christ

A Better Freedom: Finding Life as Slaves of Christ

Michael Card, A Better Freedom: Finding Life as Slaves of Christ (Downer’s Grove: IVP, 2009), 166 pages, ISBN 9780830837144. As would be expected from a Christian musician who combines depth of experience with theological training, Michael Card balances devotional and scholarly insights. Motivated by his experiences among African American churches and their moving tendency to […]

Lisa Maugans Driver: Christ At The Center

Lisa Maugans Driver: Christ At The Center

Lisa D. Maugans Driver, Christ At The Center: The Early Christian Era (Louisville: WJK, 2009), 242 pages, ISBN 9780664228972. Driver offers the reader a fast-moving, panoramic view of the context and subsequent development of Christian doctrine as it progressed in the first five centuries of the Church. The work presents a wonderfully helpful, but brief […]

Historic Occasion: Pentecostal Presence at the National Council of Churches of Christ General Assembly

Historic Occasion: Pentecostal Presence at the National Council of Churches of Christ General Assembly

Historic Occasion: Pentecostal Presence at the National Council of Churches of Christ General Assembly I am especially grateful to have been the first ever formally endorsed invited guest and observer from the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) at the National Council of Churches General Assembly in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Nov 10-12, 2009). This was truly an […]

Becoming All Things, Spoiling the Egyptians, and Occupying Culture till Christ Comes

Becoming All Things, Spoiling the Egyptians, and Occupying Culture till Christ Comes

Reflections on the Recent Postmodernism Conversation: Pastor Tony Richie wraps up our discussion on how the church should respond to postmodernism.     Introduction and Overview The editorial staff of Pneuma Review (PR) is to be commended for its facilitation of this conversation about “Postmodernism, the Church and the Future” through a series of interactive […]

Following Christ's Example: A Biblical View of Discipleship

Following Christ’s Example: A Biblical View of Discipleship

Following Christ’s Example: A Biblical View of Discipleship by  Don Williams   Jesus’ pattern for making disciples can show us how to live and minister today.   Is the Church both to bear Jesus’ kingdom message and exercise his kingdom ministry by casting out demons and healing the sick? The answer of some is an […]

Praying in the Spirit: Focus of the Charismatic Experience: Tongues, the Holy Spirit, or Christ?

Praying in the Spirit: Focus of the Charismatic Experience: Tongues, the Holy Spirit, or Christ?

The third chapter of the Praying in the Spirit Series. The strongest criticisms leveled at the charismatic renewal seem to center on two theories: one, the experience is tongues-centered, and two, the experience is Spirit-centered. The two have in common, of course, the inference that the source and focus of the baptism and its attendant gifts […]

John Pester: Jesus Christ: Last Adam, Life-giving Spirit

John Pester: Jesus Christ: Last Adam, Life-giving Spirit

  John Pester, “Jesus Christ: Last Adam, Life-giving Spirit,” Affirmation and Critique, Vol. 3, No. 4 (Oct. 1998). Affirmation and Critique is a quarterly which addresses theological subjects in a continuum. Through a variety of articles by numerous authors, the last seven issues have focused on the person and work of Christ in a weighty […]

What the Body of Christ Needs Today

What the Body of Christ Needs Today

  Ever been distracted? Have you ever been working on something that you needed to finish and . . . out of no where, something else comes up and your attention is drawn away from what was necessary to something else. Certainly, for this our daily dilemma. I have found myself thinking about this lately […]

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