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Tag: "bible"

Pentecostal Theological Education: Shiloh Bible College China

Pentecostal Theological Education: Shiloh Bible College China

What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? Seasoned missionary Dennis Balcombe introduces us to Shiloh Bible College in Shenzhen, China. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education Around the World series from What does Pentecostal Theological Education look like in China? Dennis Balcombe: For this answer I will focus on Shiloh Bible […]

Leland Ryken: A Complete Handbook of Literary Forms in the Bible

Leland Ryken: A Complete Handbook of Literary Forms in the Bible

Leland Ryken, A Complete Handbook of Literary Forms in the Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2014), 220 pages. Leland Ryken, past professor of English at Wheaton College (Illinois), has spent a significant amount of his career helping readers improve their interpretation and appreciation of the literary character of the Bible. A Complete Handbook of Literary Forms […]

Highly Anticipated Resource: Interview with Matthew Elliot about the Africa Study Bible

Highly Anticipated Resource: Interview with Matthew Elliot about the Africa Study Bible

Matthew Elliot, project director for the Africa Study Bible, speaks with about this soon-to-arrive resource that millions of Africans have been praying for.  Where did the idea for the Africa Study Bible originate? Matthew Elliot: After ten years working in Africa and observing the needs first hand, by 2005 the leadership of Oasis […]

Language Disconnect: The Implications of Bible Translation upon Gospel Work in Africa

Language Disconnect: The Implications of Bible Translation upon Gospel Work in Africa

Abstract Theological education, even when using indigenous languages, can be uninspiring to African people if its implicit underlying pre-suppositions remain European. Use of European-languages as educational media minimises the likelihood of deep connection with African ways of life, but often has the pragmatic plus of being accompanied by outside funds. A preference for use of […]

How Much Do You Read Your Bible?

How Much Do You Read Your Bible?

A timely encouragement from R. T. Kendall to invest time in reading the Word of God.   This is the most important Blog I have written in many years. I pray with all my heart that this will be read and spread to ordinary Christians all over the world. I cannot come close in emphasizing […]

Equipping to preach the Bible: an interview with Finny Philip

Equipping to preach the Bible: an interview with Finny Philip

John Lathrop interviews Finny Philip about the new South Asia Bible Commentary.   John Lathrop: Please give us a brief history of the development of this commentary. Finny Philip: The South Asia Bible Commentary (SABC) is a project of Langham Partnership International and partners. Langham is the organization founded by the late evangelical scholar, author […]

An Introduction to Dreams and Visions in the Bible and Today

An Introduction to Dreams and Visions in the Bible and Today

God continues to give dreams and visions to his people.   Introduction The Bible has been around for a very long time; it has stood the test of time and been widely distributed. The Bible is available in many different English translations and has been translated into numerous foreign languages as well. It is probably […]

Ida Glaser: The Bible and Other Faiths

Ida Glaser: The Bible and Other Faiths

Ida Glaser, The Bible and Other Faiths: Christian Responsibility in a World of Religions, Christian Doctrine in Global Perspective, Series Editor, David Smith, Consulting Editor, John Stott (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005), 255 pages. The Bible and Other Faiths ably brings together a unique set of concerns which aren’t often considered together under a […]

What Bible Did Jesus Use?

What Bible Did Jesus Use?

The ministerial test, administered as a prerequisite for ministerial credentials with our Fellowship, has alerted us that many ministers possess limited knowledge of Bible translations. For example, in the multiple choice section of the test, ministerial applicants are asked to select “From which version of the Bible did Jesus quote?” Believe it or not, eighty-five […]

The Bible and Christian Ethics, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

The Bible and Christian Ethics, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

David Emanuel Singh and Bernard C. Farr, eds., The Bible and Christian Ethics (Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2013), 217 pages, ISBN 9781625643513. This text is a collection of articles on Christian ethics published in the journal Transformation, published by the Oxford Center for Mission Studies. The 18 articles are organized under five different headings. The […]

Maxwell Leadership Bible, reviewed by Dony Donev

Maxwell Leadership Bible, reviewed by Dony Donev

  Study Bible Series There has been a growing number of Study Bibles released in the last few years and Dony Donev is reviewing them along with some classic Study Bibles. Dr. Donev will be evaluating each of the Bibles by focusing on subjects such as the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit, free […]

Mission of God Study Bible, reviewed by Dony Donev

Mission of God Study Bible, reviewed by Dony Donev

  Study Bible Series There has been a growing number of Study Bibles released in the last few years and Dony Donev is reviewing them along with some classic Study Bibles. Dr. Donev will be evaluating each of the Bibles by focusing on subjects such as the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit, free […]

Spirit Filled Life Bible, reviewed by Dony Donev

Spirit Filled Life Bible, reviewed by Dony Donev

  Study Bible Series There has been a growing number of Study Bibles released in the last few years and Dony Donev is reviewing them along with some classic Study Bibles. Dr. Donev will be evaluating each of the Bibles by focusing on subjects such as the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit, free […]

Fire Bible, reviewed by Dony Donev

Fire Bible, reviewed by Dony Donev

  Study Bible Series There has been a growing number of Study Bibles released in the last few years and Dony Donev is reviewing them along with some classic Study Bibles. Dr. Donev will be evaluating each of the Bibles by focusing on subjects such as the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit, free […]

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