| February 21, 2010 |
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“I began to cry as never before for a greater blessing from God. The hunger increased; I really felt that I did not want to live any longer. I kept on crying all the time that God would fill me with His Spirit.”
— D. L. Moody
Moody’s baptism with the Spirit was so overwhelming, so filling with the glory of heaven, that he felt he would be physically crushed there on the streets of New York. Moody’s cry, “God—stay Your hand!,” is not unusual for those upon whom the power of the Spirit has fallen. Many Old Testament saints as well as Saul of Tarsus in the New Testament literally fell to the ground when the power of God came upon them. Strange as it seems to some, that manifestation of the Spirit still occurs today. On that historic day, Dwight L. Moody left the spot as a new man—a new minister—and a true New Testament evangelist. What God did for him, He will do for us also who, “cry as never before … hunger … do not want to live” without being “filled with the Spirit.” Jesus said, “Ask and
you shall receive.” Drop your religious objection and receive
everything God has! Believe me, you will like the change.
From Charles Carrin Ministries monthly newsletter, Gentle Conquest (January 2009). www.charlescarrinministries.com Used with permission.
Images: George Whitefield by John Russell. National Portrait Gallery, London, via Wikimedia Commons.
Dwight Lyman Moody, founder of the Northfield Seminary, Mount Hermon School, and the Moody Bible Institute, circa 1900. Edited image from the Library of Congress, via Wikimedia Commons.
Tags: dead, featured, living, standing
Category: Church History, Pneuma Review, Winter 2010