Reflections on a 200-day Revival
In 2024, we were blessed to minister in a 200-day revival with 205 consecutive services held across six European countries and two territories. We ministered as a family at all these meetings accompanied by our two small children. To say that there is a lot to be grateful for in such a life-changing experience is an understatement. The following is just a brief glimpse of our observations on what precedes and accompanies a genuine move of the Spirit:
Creative developing of fasting, prayer and giving of alms, all commanded by Jesus Himself as a regular expression of our faith (when you pray, fast, give as in Mt. 6), is the prerequisite for every Spirit-led revival. On the third day of our 10-day fasting, God used a six-year-old child to revive our dead Volvo, which no mechanic in a radius of 200 miles could crank for over six months.
The church that was forced to leave the building during the pandemic, has now returned to multimillion-dollar buildings where God did not choose to start a 200-day Revival. And even when He did, the move was shut down for lack of parking space or nightly supervision. In all actuality, a church building is a result of a revival, its finish and its end. An association with a place, address or location is a sign of a centralized settlement. It was the forced getting-out of a church building (as in Acts 7) that caused the Great Azusa Revival to emerge as a grass-root movement engraved from the streets of L.A. to the Great San Francisco Earthquake and to the end of the world.
Revival must emerge from the Desire and Will of God in order to be supernaturally visited by the Power of His Glory! It cannot be approached as a man-made multiplication initiative, be it local, national or globally dimensioned. It is not a project to involve people, but a spiritual tsunami of authority and anointing that invites a prophetic projection of what God desires for eternity and not merely what man needs in the now.
When the now and then align, revival sparks! When the now has lost its sight on eternity, revival is long done and gone. What remains is but a motion imitating the wave of the Spirit, Who has already moved to other more receptive spiritual trenches and valleys of humbleness. It is in such societal peripheries and spiritual layers where God visits first with Revival before proceeding to the center of religious life. Meaning, the Heart of God for Revival is not in a religious center, but in a movement with a story. As a matter of fact, any association with externally imposed governing denies God’s centrality of what the Spirit wills for His Church. A man cannot vanquish the ocean and cosmos of space!
Happy New Year
2 Chronicles 20:25
Dony & Kathryn Donev began their ministry in the Church of God as teenagers. They share over 50 years of combined experience in the field and have authored multiple books to encourage others with the call to serve. Dony holds a doctoral degree from Pentecostal Theological Seminary and teaches at Lee Online. Kathryn is a Lee University graduate TN LPC/MHSP and leads the Homeschool Network in Polk County, which became the first homeschool sanctuary in the nation.
In 1999, Dony and Kathryn established Cup & Cross Ministries International with a vision for restoration of New Testament theology and praxis. Today they have over 50 years of combined commitment to Kingdom work. This book invites you to spend a few moments each day on the field sharing their experiences of serving as pastors, evangelists, chaplains, consultants, church trainers, researchers, missionaries and educators of His Harvest around the globe.
Category: Ministry, Winter 2025