Power from on High to Bear the Fruits of the Spirit
I agree with Yong that the Spirit of God breaks the sin that pulls us down and away from relationship with God. However, if as Gelpi said, the human spirit has the gift to collaborate with the divine, then why does God have to “break in” with revelation? Can God give the revelation without breaking in? Wouldn’t the collaboration of the human spirit with God’s Spirit move or allow humans go beyond themselves and touch the divine?
Summarizing the chapter on pneumatological theology of creation, Yong states, “most important, the spiritual and the material realms are intertwined both ontological and epistemologically. Regarding the former, the Spirit both hover the waters of creation and gives the breath of life: the human is intimately and intricately connected with the orders of creation” (pp. 300). If this is the case and humans connected with orders of creation, then how do we make sense of disorders in nature such as hurricane Katrina? There are many writings of how to preserve nature, but how do we make sense and work with the disorders of nature? I think the pneumatological theology of creation can assist us in developing a theology that will address the disorders of nature and recovery from the pain that nature causes.
This book looks at Pentecostalism in the broad world context from the personal experience of salvation to the corporate expression of the church the Spirit is present. Beyond these, the Spirit is also evidenced in other religions and creation. Yong constructs a unique theology using a Pentecostal lens. He revisits traditional Christian doctrine with openness that challenges his reader. This book is a starting point for both Pentecostals and others to develop and articulate an understanding of God based upon their tradition and experiences.
1. Amos Yong, The Spirit Poured Out on All Flesh: Pentecostalism and the Possibility of Global Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2005).
Publisher’s page: http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/the-spirit-poured-out-on-all-flesh/232981
Preview The Spirit Poured Out on All Flesh: http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Spirit_Poured_Out_on_All_Flesh.html?id=65DsASd_ORMC
Originally published as “Power from on High to bear the fruits of the Spirit?” on December 7, 2006 and mentioned in the print edition of Pneuma Review in the Winter 2007 issue.
Category: In Depth, Winter 2007