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Moving Mountains: Lessons in Bold Faith from Great Evangelical Leaders

Paul L. King, Moving Mountains: Lessons in Bold Faith from Great Evangelical Leaders (Grand Rapids: Chosen, 2004), 255 pages, ISBN 9780800793753.

Paul King’s Moving Mountains is much more than ordinary hagiography. It is more like a practical textbook on living the life of faith. Make that living the life of faith with boldness. Add balance too, and you have the heart and soul of this book. Anyone who struggles with or has ever struggled with how to understand and apply the vibrant faith of the Bible in daily life without allowing it to degenerate into the fanatical faith so common in some Pentecostal and Charismatic circles will probably benefit from reading Moving Mountains. Church leaders, clergy, and laity alike will find it enjoyable, informative, and inspiring.

Paul L. King is ordained in the Christian and Missionary Alliance and a professor at Oral Roberts University. He has two doctorates, a Doctor of Ministry (ORU) and a Doctor of Theology (University of South Africa). He oversees the ORU Bible Institute Program and teaches seminars on healing and on ministry and leadership development internationally. His expertise in nineteenth and early-twentieth-century classic leaders of faith, healing, and holiness, shows significantly in this text. He is widely published in popular and academic journals, and has two previous books, Binding and Loosing: Exercising Authority over the Dark Powers and A Believer with Authority: The Life and Message of John A. MacMillan. He considers himself something of a bridge person between Charismatics and the broader Evangelical community. That dual perspective is certainly evident in this work. Moving Mountains is one of those books which is not explicitly academic in tone, having a strong devotional slant, but in which discerning readers will observe that careful research is nonetheless behind its writing. It is very readable but not at all shallow. King achieves this blend of depth and devotion by focusing on the biographies of some well-known Evangelical leaders from the nineteenth and twentieth-centuries while ferreting out of their respective lives clear and concise lessons for the contemporary walk of faith.

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Category: Church History, Fall 2008

About the Author: Tony Richie, D.Min, Ph.D., is missionary teacher at SEMISUD (Quito, Ecuador) and adjunct professor at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary (Cleveland, TN). Dr. Richie is an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God, and Senior Pastor at New Harvest in Knoxville, TN. He has served the Society for Pentecostal Studies as Ecumenical Studies Interest Group Leader and is currently Liaison to the Interfaith Relations Commission of the National Council of Churches (USA), and represents Pentecostals with Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation of the World Council of Churches and the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs. He is the author of Speaking by the Spirit: A Pentecostal Model for Interreligious Dialogue (Emeth Press, 2011) and Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Religions: Encountering Cornelius Today (CPT Press, 2013) as well as several journal articles and books chapters on Pentecostal theology and experience.

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