Just Politics, Moral Deficit, Killing and Following Jesus: Amos Yong reviews four Ron Sider books
The preceding overview is indicative of why Ronald Sider is considered a “Christian giant” – from John DiIulio’s chapter in Following Jesus – in the realm of evangelical social and political theology. Journeys in Radical Discipleship gathers twenty-two colleagues and former students in honor of Sider’s wide-ranging and ground-breaking contributions in these arenas. Many of the essayists are themselves well-recognized scholars, including Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden, Craig Keener, Samuel Escobar, John Perkins, Shane Claiborne, Glen Stassen, David Gushee, and others. The three parts of the festschrift organize the honoree’s evangelical commitments, holistic ministry initiatives, and public policy proposals. Many provide historical perspective and personal and anecdotal insight into Sider’s approaches, influence, and relationships. The book’s two co-editors, colleagues of Sider’s at Palmer Seminary, have done a great service, especially to those new to the Siderian corpus, since readers can begin here to appreciate why, although controversial from certain angles, Sider’s legacy will remain to substantively shape evangelical thought and action vis-à-vis the public domain well into the middle of the present century.
Reviewed by Amos Yong
Publisher’s page for Just Politics: http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/just-politics/340470
Publisher’s page for Fixing the Moral Deficit: http://www.ivpress.com/cgi-ivpress/book.pl/code=3795
Preview Fixing the Moral Deficit: http://books.google.com/books?id=LWGS_fWi80EC
Publisher’s page on The Early Church and Killing: http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/the-early-church-on-killing/288640
Preview The Early Church and Killing: http://books.google.com/books?id=HtjsH7pPaegC
Publisher’s page for Following Jesus: http://www.ocms.ac.uk/regnum/detail.php?book_id=108
USA distributor: https://wipfandstock.com/store/Following_Jesus_Journeys_in_Discipleship_Essays_in_Honor_of_Ronald_J_Sider
Category: Living the Faith, Summer 2014