In Jesus we have overcome, an interview with Michael Brown

Michael L. Brown, Jezebel’s War With America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide (Lake Mary, FL: Frontline, 2019), 256 pages, ISBN 9781629996660.
Read the review by John Lathrop. In the book you say that the spirit of Jezebel is active in the church. Please give some examples of this.
Michael Brown: So few Christian leaders are willing to stand up and address controversial issues. They don’t want to be cast out. They don’t want to be mocked. They don’t want to lose their tithing members.
Some men in the church are slaves to porn, and because of that they don’t feel like men anymore and can’t pray in faith. Some women used to step out and believe in God, but they’ve had a deep spiritual disappointment. We end up cowering. Cowering is no position for the people of God. Do we believe Jesus is Lord or not? Do we believe that in Him we have eternal life? What can Christians personally and corporately do to combat the spirit of Jezebel?
Michael Brown: We must realize we aren’t fighting a person. We’re fighting demonic forces, and in Jesus, we have overcome. Therefore, we are not to be intimidated by Jezebel’s fear tactics. God says to us, “Fear not.” We are in him, He is in us, in Him we overcome, and we give no place to Jezebel. We realize that temptation and other persuasions that will come our way are not natural—they’re spiritual, and they’re out to destroy us. To counter them, we put on the armor of God, we get filled with the joy of the Lord, and we say no to Jezebel. What must the church do in order to be a more prophetic voice in America?
Michael Brown: We must stand up and take hard look at the world right now. Our brothers and sisters are literally being beheaded and burned alive for their faith—tortured to death for their faith. Yet they won’t deny Jesus. And here, because we’re afraid if we speak out we might lose some finances or we’re afraid if we speak out we might get unfriended by Facebook, we remain silent. We’re afraid, so we step back. Others are losing their heads for speaking out. We need that spirit of boldness and courage.
We need to look Jezebel in the face and say, “You’re coming down in Jesus’ name.” That means that churches, you need to be praying for your leaders to be bold and strong because there is a lot of intimidation coming against them. We need the spirit of boldness and courage. We need to recognize there are these intimidating demonic forces. No matter how wise and strong we are, we can’t defeat Satan. But in Jesus we have already overcome. Our only hope is the Lord.
Category: Living the Faith, Summer 2019