| January 10, 2016 |
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If there is one enviable trait that our culture would desire in the Church, it is the supernatural.
There is no doubt that Youth Leaders must have natural communication, administrative, and relational skill-sets. Storytelling is important to reach this youth culture. Creativity is elementary to this generation. Personality is magnetic. But, these are not sufficient enough to build a remarkable and lasting ministry. Especially in the wake of a dynamic movie and special effects industry. There must be a greater emphasis from Youth Leaders to walk in Spiritual Leadership by seeking the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help build the Church. The Holy Spirit is not intimidated by Hollywood.
If there is one enviable trait that our culture would desire in the Church, it is the supernatural. You cannot deny the central theme of the supernatural in American culture. And there is one place we should see the supernatural working: The Church.
If the future of the Church is in the hands of the young people in our Youth Ministry, we should be placing much more thought and strategic planning in the placement of Youth Leadership in the Church. Because if we are not careful to deal with these five fails, we will continue to place unhealthy Youth Leadership in roles that influence a generation of unhealthy students who will then lead an unhealthy Church in years to come.
Tags: church, fail, grenell, jeff, ministry, youth
Category: Ministry, Winter 2016
About the Author: Jeff Grenell, MA (Evangel University), has over 30 years of experience in church, parachurch, and public education focused on ministry to youth. Jeff has served as a local church Youth Leader (13 years), Motivational Speaker at national camps, conventions, seminars, and public and private schools (5 years), the Lead Pastor of a youth church (5 years), University Professor (9 years), and has Coached NCAA basketball, High School, and AAU basketball and soccer (14 years). He is the author of #IfJobHadTwitter: When Hardship Hits The Palace (2017) and founder of Ythology. Instagram. Twitter.