Fred Heeren: Home Alone in the Universe?
I wish I had the space to quote Heeren’s conclusions fully. I do recommend this article for those interested or engaged in conversations with those who believe an ET is going to arrive and solve mankind’s problems. With more and more people abandoning an atheistic worldview, “spiritual” alternatives such as the belief in alien-saviors is going to become even more prominent. Heeren says that “all three of our options for explaining life—laws, fluke, or miracle—require a leap of faith. This inference is a slap in the face to those who have put their faith in science” (p. 45). But to those who believe in God, there are no contradictions with what science is demonstrating and belief in a supernatural miracle of creation.
“Two-way communication with an Extraterrestrial Intelligence may indeed be available in our lifetime. Even better than appreciating our rarity, contact with our Superintelligent Creator could truly motivate us to take ‘better care of each other and this place’” (p. 46).
Reviewed by Raul Mock
Read the original article: “Home Alone in the Universe?” [link accessed Feb 25, 2014].
Category: Fall 2002, Living the Faith, Pneuma Review