Frank Matera: God’s Saving Grace
Ch 3 Christ the Embodiment of God’s Saving Grace
The meaning of grace embodying Pauline theology divides this chapter’s theme into three areas. First, he unveils the identity of Christ. Titles such as Son of God, Christ/Messiah, and Lord confess Jesus as “God’s redemptive agent” (62) in salvation history. These titles for Christ summarize his preaching. Second, Matera investigates three hymn-like texts from Philippians 2:6-11, Colossians 1:15-20, and 1 Timothy 3:16. Jesus remains the consummation of God’s kingdom as he is likewise the firstborn of all creation (Col. 1:15), proclaimed in his incarnation, and coming again (Tit. 2:13). Third, Christ is revealed as the eschatological Adam to the apostle on his Damascus road experience. In Jesus’ death, resurrection, and exaltation, Christ transcends life. Thus, God’s redemptive agent, Christ, remains rooted in Paul’s Damascus road experience.
Ch 4 The Saving Grace of Jesus Christ
Everything begins and ends with grace as humankind must make a decision to receive or reject it.
Ch 5 Living in the Community of God’s Saving Grace
Matera uncovers Paul’s soteriology and christology in the context of the community of the church, unpacking the apostle’s personal experience as a basis for his ecclesiology. The church as the local assembly (ἐκκλησία) is viewed within the confines of homes; hence, the church is not a building, but God’s people, called to declare the death and resurrection of Jesus. The author examines the meaning of the metaphor Body of Christ which constitutes the church, edifying God’s people. Spheres of ministry such as spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12-14; Rom. 12), and ministry offices (Eph. 4; 1 Tim.; Titus) are viewed as complementary, not separated. Matera writes that both the charismatic ministry and ministerial offices are ordained by God to lead the church in works of grace. Finally, he turns a different direction to Israel and the church. Both are called by God as an example before others and each one is a remnant, called as the eschatological people of God in the world. Thus, the apostle’s ecclesiology remains based in the saving grace of God and founded in God’s eschatological plan.
Ch 6 Living according to God’s Saving Grace
Both the charismatic ministry and ministerial offices are ordained by God to lead the church in works of grace.
Category: Biblical Studies, Fall 2016