Fall 2024: Other Significant Articles
Erica Bryand Ramirez, “No More Sundays on the Couch” Christianity Today (October 3, 2024).
The byline reads: “COVID got us used to staying home. But it’s the work of God’s people to lift up the name of Christ and receive God’s Word—together.”
Jonathan Sciano, “Department of the Air Force ‘Mentoring Resources’ Includes Historical Battle of Midway Documentary by Dr. James F. Linzey” Christian News Wire (October 14, 2024).
Leadership resources from the US Air Force includes PneumaReview.com author James F. Linzey‘s speech about about the Battle of Midway and moral leadership. The speech has been made available here: https://www.dvidshub.net/video/embed/511646
Roger E. Olson, “What Is a ‘Form of Life?’ Can an Outsider Understand?” Patheos (October 24, 2024).
Historian of religion, Roger Olson, introduces Wittgenstein’s “forms of life” in the context of language games, arguing that outsiders (particularly to movements such as Pentecostalism) are unable to understand forms of life they are observing. Therefore, Olson argues, outsiders should be careful to criticize what they have not participated in. “The deep ‘logic’ of Pentecostalism is an experience that can’t be described. It can only be felt. It’s a profound connection with God but even ‘connection’ is not a word often used. It’s a feeling without words to describe it. It can be provoked by a fervent prayer, by speaking in tongues, by a powerful sermon, by a hymn or gospel song, by … many things.”
J. R. Briggs, “7 Ideas for Improving Bible Engagement in Your Church: How to encourage a deeper experience of Scripture” CT Pastors (July 19, 2018).
“The Christians Living Under Buddhist Nationalism: Yale scholar David Moe explores the faith and identity of ethnic minorities in his home country of Myanmar” Christianity Today (October 29, 2024).
Angela Lu Fulton interviews Dr. David Thang Moe, who studies and writes about religion in Southeast Asia.
Kelly K, “How to Disagree and Still Keep it Holy” Charisma (October 28, 2024).
Roger E. Olson, “Why ‘Panentheism’ Is False” Patheos (November 14, 2024).
Historian of religion, Roger Olson, provides a basic definition of classical or traditional panentheism of the Hegel and Whitehead varieties and contrasts them to what is being said about a “Christian Panentheism” (as expressed, for example, by Moltmann). Olson is making the point that those that deny creation ex nihilo (as classical panentheism does) are not within orthodox Christian theism. But this so-called Christian panentheism is not automatically heterodox if creation ex nihilo is embraced.
Category: Fall 2024