Donald Trump’s Presidency and False Prophecy
[4] Mark Galli. “Much Ado About Trump and His Supporters,” The Galli Report, Dec 27, 2019. [Editor’s note: See also, Mark Galli, “Why I Believe Mr. Trump’s Caustic Speech Is Not Mere Bad Manners“ (January 10, 2020).]
[5] What is often overlooked is that Trump’s support among African-American Evangelicals and Pentecostals is quite low.
[6] Steven Strang, God and Donald Trump (np: Frontline, 2017). And, The Trump Aftershock (np: Frontline, 2018). [Editor’s note: The same day that William De Arteaga’s article was published, Steven Strang released God, Trump, and the 2020 Election (Charisma House, January 14, 2020).]
[7] Demos Shakarion, The Happiest People on Earth (Old Tappen: Chosen, 1975), 19-22.
[8] William De Arteaga, “Prophecy in the Church: Pathway to Revival” Pneuma Review (February 18, 2016).
[9] ibid.
[10] For a balanced and sympathetic view of Montanism, see the work by R. A Knox, Enthusiasm: A Chapter in the History of Religion (New York: Oxford University Press, 1950), chapter 3. The Wikipedia article on the Montanists is also balanced and excellent.
[11] John Calvin, Calvin’s Commentaries: The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans and to the Thessalonians (Tr. Ross Mackenzie; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1960), p. 376f.
[12] Hans von Campenhausen, Ecclesiastical Authority and Spiritual Power in the Church in the First Three Centuries. Trans. J.A. Baker, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1969) chapter 8 “Prophets and Teachers in the Second Century.” Dr. William Spencer of Gordon-Cornwall Seminary believes that already by the end of the 3rd Century the gifts of the Spirit were waning. See his article, “The Chaining of the Church, Christian History #17 “Women in the Early Church” posted 1/1/88.
[13] The crown jewel of Catholic spiritual direction and discernment literature is Augustine Poulain’s, The Graces of Interior Prayer (St. Louis, B. Herder, 1910). Still in print in various editions.
[14] In particular, Edwards’ classic, Distinguishing Marks of the Spirit of God. I treat this issue in my work, Quenching the Spirit: Discover the Real Spirit behind the Charismatic Controversy (Lake Mary: Creation House, 1996), chapter 3.
[15] On the rise and fall of this revival see: Barry W. Hamilton, “The Corsicana Enthusiasts: A Pre-Pentecostal Millennial Sect,” Wesleyan Theological Journal, 39 #1 (Spring, 2004) 173-193.
[16] Old Tappen: Spire Books, 1963.
[17] David Wilkerson, The Vision (New York: Pyramid, 1974).
[18] David Wilkerson, “The Coming Persecution,” Tape #DW-8, Springs of Living Water tape library. In author’s possession.
[19] Ibid.
[20] “Persecution for Charismatic Catholics?” New Covenant, (Jan. 1974) 13.
[21] Karl Rhaner, “Visions and Prophesies,” in Inquiries (New York: Herder and Herder, 1964).
[22] Mark Taylor, and Mary Colbert, The Trump Prophecies (Crane: Defender, 2017).
[23] Ibid 132.
[24] Taylor, Trump, 149
[25] Ibid. 165.
[26] William De Arteaga, “The Sinfulness and Destructiveness of Conspiracy Theories,” Pneuma Review, June 29, 2015. In this article, I take special effort to deconstruct this ridiculous conspiracy theory precisely.
[27] Here is just one of many examples that could be cited: Robert Farley “Another Dubious Trump Attack on ‘Fake News’” Fact, posted 12 Dec, 2019.
[29] I treat the spiritual negativity of the Republican Party to its slow and steady adoption of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, “Objectivism” and its specifically anti-Christian morality, as in her famous novels Atlas Shrugged, etc. See my article, “The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party.”
Category: Living the Faith, Winter 2020