Common Barriers to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Image: Anthony Da Cruz
2. Shy or Introverted Personality
This mentality comes from the fear of humiliation or public attention and commonly creates barriers to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, churches regularly ask individuals in a service to come forward to receive the baptism. Of course the baptism experience could happen in such a setting, but it creates a mentality that individuals have to go somewhere to receive it. This mentality also creates difficulties for introverts who often struggle with public attention. So why do we think that they will to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit in the front of a church full of people, when they are afraid to walk down to the front without shaking in their boots?
There is no special place or special service where you must receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Pray right where you are.
3. Hyper Analytical
This mentality comes from the fear of not understanding or intellectually processing what your experience. I personally struggled with this barrier. As an analytical person, I struggle when I cannot explain something. Many individuals also struggle with the baptism in the Holy Spirit and its accompanying gift—tongues, because it comes as a supernatural experience we cannot easily explain.
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is supernatural. Put your trust in God and stop trying to completely understand it.
4. The Passive Approach
This mentality comes from a fear of self-inducement of a counterfeit experience; and therefore, we assume it is not divine. Individuals who struggle with this area fear that either they just made something up in their head, or they wait for the Holy Spirit to possess them and move their mouth like a puppet.
Category: Spirit, Summer 2018