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Coming in the Summer 2002 (5:3) Issue


Messianic teacher Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations series with the sixth chapter in a series on the Gospel of Matthew. Kevin will be looking at the Hebraisms and Jewish background often missed to reveal beautiful prophetic pictures fulfilled at the coming of Messiah. Be sure to read every installment of this unique commentary on the Gospel to the Hebrews.


Chapters from J. Rodman William’s book The Gift of the Holy Spirit Today (Logos, 1980) continue with “Chapter Two: Dimensions.” You will be deepened and encouraged by this exposition of the contemporary work of the Holy Spirit.


In the article, “Workmen or Captives? Avoiding the Snare of Subjectivity” Pastor Dave Harvey exposes some of the lies of the current popular feel-good approach to interpreting Scriptures, encouraging us to learn to handle the Word properly. In doing so, we will become skilled workmen in the rich, timeless, and objective truth of God’s Word, rather than remaining captives in our own cramped, subjective little universe of personal impressions.


How Much Does God Control? The dialogue about free will continues in the next issue when we hear from an opposing view to openness theism. Join us for this friendly dialogue and be deepened in your appreciation for brothers and sisters who have reached different conclusions on this important topic.


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Category: Spring 2002

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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