Amos Yong’s Who is the Holy Spirit?
Now there is something to say concerning the witness, nature, and cosmic contours of the Spirit. According to Yong, one must wrestle with the cosmic forces, barbarians, and all those who oppose belief in the kingdom. Was not the power of God, even among the imperial forces of the Pax Romana, manifest in and “against the principalities and powers in these realms” (p 189). Certainly we must battle the forces of globalization, consumerism, exploitative capitalism, and other practices foreign to the character of the gospel. Perhaps this is already being accomplished. The Messiah was accused of being both a sect leader and a heretic. But for the least of these, we say with our brothers and sisters, “come Lord Jesus” and “discern the fresh winds of his Spirit in the world” (p 191).
Reviewed by Paul J. Palma
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