Anglican Pentecostal Perspective on Charismatic Leaders Fellowship 2015
The next morning at the CLF business and admin meeting, we took Dr. Wilson at his word and made plans to return to ORU for 2016. If you are a church pastor, teacher or leader and cherish the gifts of the Spirit, come join us. Contact either the Rev. Scott Kelso at:, or Mr. Bob Garrett at I’ll be doing the morning devotions and I hope to see you there.
[1] See my blog posting in the Anglican Pentecostal for June 20, 2014, “The Wrath of God in the Present Sunni-Shia War.” At:
[2] Graene Wood, “What ISIS Really Wants,” Atlantic, March 2015.
[3] On this see my blog posting, “A Call to Prayer,” Anglican Pentecostal, December 16, 2014.
[4] On the increased appreciation of the Holy Spirit in modern Orthodox rabbinical thought, see Ruach HaKodesh, “The Ruach and the Rabbis,” Jewish Jewels blog, March, 2015.
[5]See the key twin articles by Daniel R. Langton in the Journal of the Study of the New Testament, “The Myth of the “Traditional View of Paul and the Role of the Apostle in Modern Jewish-Christian Polemics, 28, no. 1 (summer 2005) 69-104, and “Modern Jewish Identity and the Apostle Paul,” 28 no 2 (December 2005) 217-258.
[6] Mr. Blake does not have a website for his organization, but he can be contacted at:
[7] At: , accessed March 5, 2015.
[8] Fr. Hocken has written one of the truly classic books on the charismatic renewal, The Glory and the Shame: Reflections on the 20th Century Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Guildford, UK: Eagle, 1994). In this book he laid out the importance to the whole Body of the Messianic Jewish movement. Read my review of The Glory and the Shame here at
[9] On the particularly shameful treatment of Jews in Medieval Spain, Fr, Hoken has written a pamphlet for TJCII, The Marranos: A History in Need of Healing (Dallas: Third Jerusalem Council II, 2006).
Category: Ministry, Winter 2015