Reflections on Andy Lord: Network Church

Reflections on Andy Lord: Network Church

I believe highly relevant to some current issues dealing with how the Christian tradition engages or might engage contemporary cultural artefacts (such as film and art) or themes expressed via these artefacts, is Andy Lord’s reflection on how we might more deeply inform Pentecostal assumptions about the church in mission with the Missio Dei concept (mission of God: God’s mission …

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Jeffrey Niehaus: Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology

Jeffrey Niehaus: Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology

Jeffrey J. Niehaus, Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2008), 203 pages, ISBN 9780825433603. Jeffrey J. Niehaus (PhD, Harvard University) is professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. His previous publications include God at Sinai: Covenant and Theophany in the Bible and Ancient Near East (Zondervan, 1995) as well as commentaries on Amos and Obadiah …

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Vinson Synan: An Eyewitness Remembers the Century of the Holy Spirit

Vinson Synan: An Eyewitness Remembers the Century of the Holy Spirit

Vinson Synan, An Eyewitness Remembers the Century of the Holy Spirit (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2010), 224 pages, ISBN 9780800794859. Vinson Synan, historian, professor, and dean emeritus of the School of Divinity at Regent University, skillfully blends his memoirs with Pentecostal Church history, reflecting on his previous books while integrating his first-hand experience of the events. The book is arranged somewhat …

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Pentecostal Hermeneutics: Approach and Methodology

Pentecostal Hermeneutics: Approach and Methodology

Introduction Defining an ultimate Pentecostal hermeneutic is not an easy thing. This is because Pentecostalism by itself is a diverse phenomenon consisting of different types of groups. There is no homogeneity in Pentecostal grouping because different Pentecostal factions are established within different traditions, even though the underlying theological formation is the same. This diversity in traditions brings with it varied …

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Dave Johnson

Gene Veith: The Soul of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Gene Veith, The Soul of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Colorado Springs: Cook Communications Ministries, 2005), 206 pages. In the preface to the book, Veith sets forth the premise that his book is intended to be a companion volume to Lewis' work, originally written for children, that "will help you unpack the meaning of the story." It also …

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