Bob Cutillo: Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age

Bob Cutillo: Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age

Bob Cutillo, Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2016), 196 pages, ISBN 9781433551109. Advances in healthcare have led to increase in worry over one’s own well-being, wasteful spending, and a lack of concern for the well-being of others in our community. Indeed, we have come to view health as a commodity to possess and control. Commodities run …

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Leaders Expect Criticism Because They Lead

Leaders Expect Criticism Because They Lead

Some people feel they are clever or great. But criticism has the power to destroy them and cause them to crash. Criticism is a powerful tool in the hands of parents, corporate bosses, pastors, lovers, mean-spirited people, and congregational members. Probably “criticism” is the greatest power in the hands of an enemy. Because human beings become conditioned by a constant …

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