Bible Study: 666 Decoded

Bible Study: 666 Decoded

What is this mysterious number, so familiar to horror film buffs, Satanists, and fundamentalist apocalyptic speculators alike? The answer is very intriguing, satisfying and perhaps ominous. It's also a great illustration of all the different things that can sometimes go into biblical interpretation. The passage in Revelation that mentions the number of the beast is an explicit riddle and demands …

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Fall 2017: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2017: Other Significant Articles

  “Can Josh Harris Kiss His Book Goodbye?: Twenty years after his dating bestseller, he reconsiders its controversial arguments” Quick To Listen (July 10, 2017). In this 41 minute podcast, the former megachurch pastor associated with the charismatic Calvinist fellowship Sovereign Grace discusses how he is reconsidering some of his book’s arguments and perspectives. Harris says, “In certain ways, I …

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Charles Kraft: Power Encounter In Spiritual Warfare

Charles Kraft: Power Encounter In Spiritual Warfare

Charles H. Kraft, Power Encounter In Spiritual Warfare (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2017), 124 pages, ISBN 9781532617140. Charles Kraft has taught at Fuller Seminary and has served as a missionary in Nigeria. In addition to these ministries he has also written a number of books including: Christianity With Power: Your Worldview and Your Experience of the Supernatural, The Evangelical’s …

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