David Courey: What Has Wittenberg to do with Azusa?

David Courey: What Has Wittenberg to do with Azusa?

David J. Courey, What Has Wittenberg to do with Azusa?: Luther’s Theology of the Cross and Pentecostal Triumphalism (Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015), 304 pages, ISBN: 9780567671899. Dr. David Courey is the Dean of graduate Studies at Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels, Belgium. In addition, he was a pastor for thirty years and taught in Bible colleges in Africa and Asia. …

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Ways to Minister to Cancer Patients This Summer

Ways to Minister to Cancer Patients This Summer

How can you serve friends and the people of your congregation who are battling cancer? In this guest article, Rev. Percy McCray suggests practical ways to demonstrate you care. Image: Annie Spratt The sun is heating up and that is cause for alarm for some cancer patients. Not everyone can get out and enjoy the weather, or work on outdoor …

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