David Garrison: A Wind in the House of Islam

David Garrison: A Wind in the House of Islam

David Garrison, A Wind in the House of Islam: How God is drawing Muslims around the World to faith in Jesus Christ (Monument, CO: WigTake Resources, 2014), 307 pages. As the sub-title of Garrison’s book suggests, this book provides both an historical narrative and analysis of how the wind of the Holy Spirit is drawing Muslims from the nine rooms …

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Ed Shaw: Same-Sex Attraction and the Church

Ed Shaw: Same-Sex Attraction and the Church

Ed Shaw, Same-Sex Attraction and the Church: The Surprising Plausibility of the Celibate Life (Downers Grove: IVP Books, 2015), 172 pages. Ed Shaw was educated at Durham University and Oak Hill Theological College. He is the pastor of Emmanuel City Centre in Bristol, England, and part of the editorial team at livingout.org. He has worked for churches in Durham and …

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Encouraging Pentecost: Pentecost Sunday 2016

Encouraging Pentecost: Pentecost Sunday 2016

This past Pentecost Sunday I was invited to preach at my old parish, Light of Christ Church, a charismatic Anglican church in Marietta, Georgia. I was utterly delighted, and determined that I would not only preach Pentecost, but encourage Pentecost. The four suggested readings were all on the Holy Spirit, except for the suggested Psalm. In place of it I …

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