Zachary Tackett: "Why I Became A Pentecostal Theologian"

Zachary Tackett: "Why I Became A Pentecostal Theologian"

Image: Ralf Roletschek Zachary Tackett, "Why I Became A Pentecostal Theologian" Ecclesiam (April 12, 2016). Zachary Tackett has written a beautiful brief personal testimony about why he is a Pentecostal theologian, and I offer my heartiest AMEN to his ecumenical Pentecostal vision. Zachary Tackett "The message of Pentecost declared that all peoples – of all languages and ethnicities, women and …

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Kyle Strobel: Formed for the Glory of God

Kyle Strobel: Formed for the Glory of God

Kyle Strobel, Formed for the Glory of God: Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards (Downers Grove, ILL: IVP, 2013), 191 pages, ISBN 9780830856534. In Formed for the Glory of God: Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards, Kyle Strobel aims to set forth an evangelical understanding of spiritual formation as inspired by Jonathan Edwards, an eighteenth century …

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Invitation to read The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party

Invitation to read The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party

My recent article, “The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party: Is it time to form a Christian Center party?” (April 6, 2016) will not appear at PneumaReview.com for the very good reason that it is predominantly political. But the editor of The Pneuma Review has been gracious in inviting me to post this announcement about it with its …

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The Holy Spirit and the Ministries of Jesus

The Holy Spirit and the Ministries of Jesus

Part 1 of an excerpt from Peter Ostrander's book, New Testament Healing. The Holy Spirit and the Ministries of Jesus When Jesus spoke and acted with authority and with God’s power to heal the sick and disabled, he set people free from demonic oppression, then rebuked and stilled the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Were these mighty works primarily …

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