Jonathan Seiver: The Palace, reviewed by Jon Ruthven

Jonathan Seiver: The Palace, reviewed by Jon Ruthven

Jonathan Seiver, The Palace: A Prophetic Journey through the Cultures of This Age and the Kingdom of the Age to Come (Charleston, SC: SP, 2015), 146 pages, ISBN 9781517048259 . The Palace narrates “a series of first-hand prophetic visions” involving the redemption of a street orphan whose curiosity about a fabled palace and its King drives him to set out …

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Celebrate the Equipping Church

Celebrate the Equipping Church

Every church has an awesome privilege of supporting, encouraging, training, and equipping each person to fulfill their God-given purpose. Party Time? Everyone loves a good party. We all love to celebrate our accomplishments and enjoy our successes—not to mention relishing the flattery of our peers. Relish …That reminds me, we're going to need almost a dozen grills and we'll probably have …

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